Monday, February 28, 2011

Kurt Godel Quote

I don’t think the brain came in the Darwinian manner. In fact, it is disprovable. Simple mechanism can’t yield the brain. I think the basic elements of the universe are simple. Life force is a primitive element of the universe and it obeys certain laws of action. These laws are not simple, and they are not mechanical

Will: Why Liberals Love Trains - Newsweek

Will: Why Liberals Love Trains - Newsweek

Monday, February 7, 2011

The Quadrilogy of My Favorite Snow Shovel

Liberal media Bias and Reagan (and Obama)

When Ronald Reagan was President, I had not yet realized how biased the media are in this country. Reagan was portrayed as a genial boob who was somehow elected president by an idiot electorate. If you read the book pictured above, you will see that Reagan was extremely intelligent and he, himself, wrote many of  his  speeches. The man was Brilliant. How the media can get away with portraying someone as the exact opposite of what they are is just mind-boggling. They got away with calling the first President Bush (father of five and decorated WWII veteran)  a wimp. Meanwhile, Bill Clinton, the draft dodging, pot smoking (but not inhaling), not having sex but having sex, Pillsbury doughboy somehow didn't rate that wimp description. I think President Bush never smoked pot and never had an affair, but if he had I think he would have inhaled and actually had sex.

When we lived in Oklahoma, Michael Dukakis was hailed as the man who created the "Massachusetts Miracle" Right after the election (thankfully he lost) we moved to Massachusetts and I remember thinking " where in the heck is the MIRACLE??" The public pools and beaches were closed - there were no arts taught in the schools due to budget cuts - the state reeked and still does (politically).

Now we have President Obama whom the media portray as a genius. He reads everything off of a teleprompter. He can't pronounce Marine Corps. He doesn't know that there are 50 states. He's not smart at all - he's just a fantastic poseur. He and John Kerry are perfect examples of men who give the appearance of intelligence. They aren't plain speakers - they talk around things. I think if you speak plainly and to the point  the media will portray you as stupid.

On the 100 anniversary of Reagan's birth, I think people should read "In His Own Hand" and realize what a great thinker and man he was.

Merry Christmas

 Every year I say the same thing. This is the best tree ever. Yes, this year, definitely we got the one with the best shape. Somehow, every ...