Monday, October 11, 2010

Why Aren't We speaking Arabic?

Because on October 10,  in 732 Charles  Martel, Charles "The Hammer", fought the Muslims at the Battle of Tours and saved the Western World from Muslim domination. The crescent roll was invented to commemorate this decisive victory So even though it's a day late- go out and eat a crescent roll and thank God and Charles Martel that you aren't wearing a Burqua (if you're a woman) You might also ponder the possibility of having to wear one in the future if the West doesn't wise up.


  1. Why were you up so early?, my goodness.

  2. I don't know why it says that. I didn't post it then. The last time i was up that early was when we took the airport limo to Logan to go to St. John


Merry Christmas

 Every year I say the same thing. This is the best tree ever. Yes, this year, definitely we got the one with the best shape. Somehow, every ...